Since Webmin 1.300, it has been possible to call Webmin API functions via XML-RPC. The base URL is
, which then selects the Webmin function to call based on its parameters. This can be invoked from any language that supports basic data structures like hashes and arrays.
Code example
# Demo program to list mail aliases, and either create or delete one
use Frontier::Client;
use Data::Dumper;
chop($url = `cat url.txt`);
eval {
$server = Frontier::Client->new('url' => $url);
$@ && die "Failed to create server : $@";
$jobs = $server->call("cron::list_cron_jobs");
print "Found ",scalar(@$jobs)," cron jobs\n";
($already) = grep { $_->{'user'} eq 'root' &&
$_->{'command'} eq 'echo foo' } @$jobs;
if ($already) {
print "Deleting cron job for $already->{'user'}\n";
$server->call("cron::delete_cron_job", $already);
print "Done deletion\n";
else {
print "Adding cron job for root\n";
$job = { 'user' => 'root',
'active' => 1,
'command' => 'echo foo',
'special' => 'weekly' };
$server->call("cron::create_cron_job", $job);
print "Done\n";
Find more additional examples in our downloadable archive. In all these examples, login details for the Webmin server are in the url.txt
file, which must contain a URL with a username and password like:
https://root:[email protected]:10000/xmlrpc.cgi