Since Webmin 1.300, it has been possible to call Webmin API functions via XML-RPC. The base URL is, which then selects the Webmin function to call based on its parameters. This can be invoked from any language that supports basic data structures like hashes and arrays.

Code example

# Demo program to list mail aliases, and either create or delete one

use Frontier::Client;
use Data::Dumper;

chop($url = `cat url.txt`);
eval {
  $server = Frontier::Client->new('url' => $url);
$@ && die "Failed to create server : $@";

$jobs = $server->call("cron::list_cron_jobs");
print "Found ",scalar(@$jobs)," cron jobs\n";
($already) = grep { $_->{'user'} eq 'root' &&
                    $_->{'command'} eq 'echo foo' } @$jobs;

if ($already) {
        print "Deleting cron job for $already->{'user'}\n";
        $server->call("cron::delete_cron_job", $already);
        print "Done deletion\n";
else {
        print "Adding cron job for root\n";
        $job = { 'user' => 'root',
                 'active' => 1,
                 'command' => 'echo foo',
                 'special' => 'weekly' };
        $server->call("cron::create_cron_job", $job);
        print "Done\n";

Find more additional examples in our downloadable archive. In all these examples, login details for the Webmin server are in the url.txt file, which must contain a URL with a username and password like:

https://root:[email protected]:10000/xmlrpc.cgi